Alcohol Abuse History

The history of alcohol is one closely knitted with civilizations of the past, and many claim to have “invented" it. The use of alcohol became part of life due to the often-forgotten fact that there was not much freshwater available. From History of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence “attitudes toward those who abuse or are dependent on alcohol have changed throughout history” (Gold & Adamec 2021).


So, we need to look more specifically, how alcohol is perceived at certain points in history. For example, in the later years of the 19th century, where some called it an unholy substance (Gold & Adamic). I want to analyze the current state of this effect. On how society views alcohol and its abuse with the current college drinking culture.  If we have all these understanding, why do so many people feel like you cannot have a “college experience” without dangerous intoxication. 


With these constant changes, the blame for alcohol abuse does the same. Each case is special due to the fact that each person digest’s and “feels” alcohol differently. Gold and Adamec talk about this in a later chapter of The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse. Understanding that the alcoholic has the choice to welcome or deny help for the dependency they have formed (Gold & Adamec 2021). Over the years rehabilitation institutions have developed, however, these are only effective if the alcoholic is willing to accept the help. With this society often sees rehab as an omission of guilt, rather than a genuine solution.  

Garg E. Beer Beer Beer (May 2017). December 2024. Unsplash

Shallow focus photo of brown glass bottle photo – Free Beer Image on Unsplash


Gold, M. S., & Adamec, C. (2021). History of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence. In Facts On File Library of Health and Living. The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (2nd ed., pp. 298-349). Facts on File.


Gold, M. S., & Adamec, C. (2021). Native Americans and Alcohol Abuse. In Facts On File Library of Health and Living. The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (2nd ed., pp. 366-369). Facts on File.

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